Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Things Friday

Not sure who I am borrowing this from...I think it was originated with 
Hopsy?  Thank you to whoever you are!

1. The "It" necklace.  SO ridic that this thing is $150 on J. Crew!  I saw this post on JGIWC back in early April and did my own little eBay search...and there are tons of them in the $15 range (plus shipping).  I hate to do a knockoff, but rules are made for bending.  It is really great quality,  just took about three week to get here from Hong Kong.

Sorry for the janky tee/crooked necklace!

2.  Betches Love This awesome Revenge Recaps.   (BREAKING NEWS: Revenge was JUST picked up for second season...cue the choirs of angels.)

3. This shirt - I got in coral a few weeks ago and I think I also need navy and white

4. Realizing while in line at Starbucks this AM that my necklace and  Tervis matched - I never proclaimed to be anything less than a dork!

5. My new email bud K over at Pencil Skirts and Pinot Noir - we are going to have illegal amounts of fun DROOLING over Etsy...among other things! 

(Sorry for no not one but two pics of my chest...wth?!)



Ashley Turner said...

I love the J. Crew necklace, but I'm the same - the price is a bit steep for me! Have seen some cute similar styles in a few stores, one of them being H&M!

Jenna said...

I bought a turquoise J. Crew knockoff and it just came in the mail yesterday! I'm all about the knock offs if it's going to save me an arm ;)

Jenna @

Beth Dunn said...

Love the necklace!

Miss Southern Prep said...

I just did a review of a knock-off J. Crew Bubble necklace! I hate knock-offs, but there was NO way I was spending $150 on that necklace. Love yours!

Jordan - Queen of LA! said...

i bought that jcrew necklace on ebay too! mine is red - im wearing it today. obsessed!

ps laughing so hard at the matching monograms pic! love it :)