Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Five

Hello Lovelies:

Last week's Friday 5 never saw the light of day so y'all can look at it like a two for one, right? Indulge me, been a hella long week, though one full of fantastic colleagues visiting from near and far I rarely get to see. 

1. Candy Pumpkins
I know I have waxed poetic about my LOATHING of Fall (Don't even get me started on my hatred for PSLs!!).  Absolute loathing. One of the few things I can get behind are a yum 'ol bag of Brach's.

2. This Scarf
Found it completely by accident at H&M on Monday and it's a $9.95 super well spent.  Will be fabulous on a plane and if I happen to lose it, won't be that upset (unless H&M runs out that is!)
Excuse the poor pic, the original is super tiny. 

3. The Greenway Carousel
I have been dying to go on it since re-opening and it was all I hoped for and more!  (Notice my ladylike sidesaddle!)  Extra points for getting my inaugural ride in with one of my awesome aforementioned visiting colleagues. 

4. Royals
Been crushing HARD on this song for the past few weeks.  (Aaaand she is SO pretty!!)

You can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule.
Let me live that fantasy.

5. This little meatball.  #swoon

Cheers to the weekend!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


On Wednesdays we wear whales. 

Think he's dreaming of Regina George?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hello Lovelies:

Another one for the books my friends!  Friday we did a little much needed CC happy hour followed by a dinner at Brownstone. The stars aligned and my hurr and makeup came out stellar, which obvs called for some ridiculous selfies.

I mean they MIGHT be Prosecco fueled #justsayin'

Had not been to Brownstone in forever and wow was the food great, and super reasonable. Chocolate covered bacon AND poutine?  Cue the angels!

Sloppy deliciousness

Saturday morning I took the Downeaster up to Wells, Maine where I met VOT and we had a silly us York day, that is never complete without a trip to (I kid you not) a gas station for THE BEST beach snacks, lots of beach time, clams at Fox's, Ice Cream at Brown's, Nubble pics and a trip into town for Goldenrod PB taffy for our #westiebestie.  It was the perfect secret extra summer day post Labor Day...and there were no crowds, score!  Wish I could say the same for Ogunquit - we got stuck in major traffic en route back to the train and made it by the skin of my teeth!


GIGANTIC Whoopie Pie! 
Basically I am going to reference this pic EVERY day from now until May! 

The Nubble

Annual Shot

I got back to Boston around 9P and hoofed it up to Government Center to hear Vampire Weekend close out Day 1 of Boston Calling.  The sound was amazing and the authorities totally let a lot of people hang out on the street and listen to the whole set.  The sound was fantastic and I may have to attend next year as I have heard rave reviews.  I closed out my night with a little Facetime action with #wydev.

Woke up Sunday morning to a clogged toilet, #fail.  Nothing like begging to use the facilities at CVS first thing in the AM!  Plumber made a late appearance and luckily all is back to normal on that front!  

My plans to 'burb it out to meet Miss Islay were thwarted, so instead I decided to do a little (self dubbed) Urban Bike Adventure on a Hubway.  My goal was to not get killed between my apartment and the office, and I did so much more!  (Another post will cover my trek).

Middle of the Sugarbowl

The plumber finally arrived (yay for indoor plumbing!) and I spent some QT with ML doing what we do best - going to TJ Maxx, #duh. 


Friday, September 06, 2013

Friday Fiver

Hello Lovelies:

Look at me, two posts in one week, wowzers!

Let's get on it:

1. Though under sad circumstances, my poodle from the ATL made a cameo in the Boston area!  This girl did the schleppety schlep up to the north shore to see him on Tuesday evening, just what both of our souls needed!

We shall be reunited again in 2+ short months, watch out DC!

2. I know I am a season or so late, but this "new to me" bag's my new obsession - it's huge and you can toss everything in it!  Seriously last night I had normal purse items, a sweater, iPad and two bottles of wine with room to spare! 

Thanks for doing a closet purge JJ!

3.Holding on to #endlesssummer2013 as long as possible.  My tookas will be planted on some sort of sand throughout this weekend, mark my words.  All things Lilly, Jacks and white may be off the table, but I am milking the hell out of the next 14 days! 

4. I adore Sara Bareilles and this song's been on heavy rotation as my "get s**t done at work" jam. (And PS - I just learned how to insert a YouTube steps friends, baby steps!)

5. This guy remains on my Friday 5 indefinitely.  He met his Mimi (my mom) and his "yet to be named" (my dad) (and I managed to delete that photo) on Sunday and they are eating him up! 

Mimi is in heaven!
Can not get enough of the hands by his face, presh!
Enjoy the weekend!!


Monday, September 02, 2013

Labor Day Weekend Roundup...and a Shot in the Dark.

Hello Lovelies!

I hope everyone had a fab long weekend!!  

I am going to give this posting on the reg thing the old college try!  It definitely will not be 5 days a week, but maaaaaaybe 2-3 days.  Even though it has been a really long time since I was in school, I still feel like this week marks a "new" year, so this is my resolution!  

Full disclosure, Labor Day is also my saddest day of the year.  I HATE saying goodbye to my beloved summer.  Stamp my feet like a toddler hate it.  And even though I took my dear friends Lilly and Jack for their final New England* spin of 2013, I still plan to sit my rear on the beach this coming weekend, weather permitting. (*Lilly and Jack will be permitted in the Caribbean on a work trip later this fall!) 

So without further ado, my weekend.  It was pretty mellow, and much needed!  
I took half a day on Friday and spend some QT on the beach in Southie getting some Vitamin D.  That night my friend JJ came over with her pup and we drank bubs and on my balcony,  The night turned into hanging with assorted neighbors on the stoop and being out until 2AM, #whoops. 
#nomsandbubs with JJ

2AM Crew
My grand plan of heading up to New Hampshire at 8A on Saturday was thwarted by bad weather the need for sleep.  Finally got my show on the road around noon and headed up to see G&G in Hampton.  The weather continued to be pretty crappy so we took a leisurely ride up 1A (my favorite drive!) to Portsmouth and went to Sanders where we procured some steamers and this 7 1/2 pound bad boy.  (PS - my apologies if you ever attend a lobster dinner with me...I go to town!)

It filled a large cooler!
While it was being cooked, we took a ride up to Prescott Park to see the flowers and Grandma and I had a little photo shoot.  I have to add this tiny woman is in amazing shape and climbed up on this platform for the photo!

I look like a giant, as usual.
The sun came out on Sunday and we got some good beach time, finished up that lobster for lunch and played a lot of cards.  Grandpa made another fab dinner of ribs, corn and potatoes, along with Grandma's awesome salad.  I swear, everything they make is not only delicious, but brings me back to being a child.  I am SO lucky to have two grandparents, who are fairly young and very active, left at my age.  I see them pretty often, but it is rare I spend two+ days with them alone, so it was a really great weekend. And I got to totally chill out and relax, a rarity these days.

It rained again Monday AM and I headed back to Boston fairly early.  The traffic was really light and I flew down - 41 minutes from Seabrook to the South End may be a record!  I did some work, some cleaning (huge bag for consignment shop!), some cooking and some errands to round out the last few hours of my summer.  Sigh.  Grandpa is also know for his killer tomatoes (the man starts them from seed in the basement in March!) and he sent me home with some beauties I made into sauce I am going to freeze - nothing like pulling summer veggies out of the freezer in January!

Not at all looking forward to another insane week, but hopefully I can channel some weekend zen when I need to.