Friday, December 31, 2004

Thursday, December 30, 2004

All the cool kids are doin' it... I figured I would just lemming along like the rest of them. Keep in mind there's NO educational or even entertaining value to it, more like a stream of consciousness!

So Without further ado:

My best/worst/etc list of 2004:

Best Concert
Buffett @ Fenway 9/10/04. Hands down once (maybe twice?) in a lifetime.

Best Reality Show(s)
Newlyweds and Laguna Beach (tie)

Worst Reality Show
RW Phili-Seriously, Bunim & Murray either had a shallow pool to choose from or need to clean house ASAP!

Favorite TV Show
Best Week Ever (esp after I found out this guy was involved)

Biggest Trainwreck
SO many to choose from, but I think Anna Nicole Smith and her Trimspa induced dementia take the cake

Top Blogs
Gideon's Bible
Stephanie Klein
My Blog is Poop

People who made me want to defect to Canada
Dubya, Ann Coulter, Zell Miller

Person who made me rethink Canada
Barack Obama

My best Star Effer Moment
Snapping a pic of the back of Ben Affleck's head @ Rock the Vote (I didn't say it was a proud moment!)

Once in a Lifetime Moment
Wednesday 7/28/04 Fleet Center Boston

Writing that makes you wish you were blind
Brit Brits Letter of Truth

Person I am slightly ashamed to be a fan of
Jessica Cutler

Trend, try as I might, I look reedonculous in

Late '03/Early '04 trend I am going to wear 'til they fall apart

Overexposed Star of 2004

Salt in the Wound

WHY is Amazon accepting pre-orders for THIS?!?!?!?

(via Michelle Malkin)


TOTALLY just saw someone pull a "Brit Brit" downstairs in Dunks. As it is about 200 yards from a major hotel, people think it is OK to walk around in their PJs to grab coffee. I disagree, but deal with it. However, I can NOT stand for what I just witnessed: a woman in a hoodie, cropped flannel PJ pants and NO SHOES! It is just wrong on so many levels...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Every Christmas it's the SAME thing...JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

Notice the irreverence in the title, yeah, my mother LOVES it when I say that, NOT.

Survived another fun filled fam damily holiday. I dunno, the older I get the more and more surreal they all seem to become. I always try and remember to stop and smell the proverbial roses on Christmas day. Usually around three or four PM the living room is bursting with the usual suspects (though a few more than usual as we were 22 for Christmas dinner, an all time high this year). The fire's going, people are snarfing spinach dip, there are odds and ends of wrapping all over the place and shiny new stuff under and around the tree. I like to take a step back and take it all in, I know, how CHEESE of me. There was little to no time for it this year as there were people around ad nauseum spilling into the other rooms.

Presents, quite obviously!! A partial listing in no specific order:
-Some v cool Pumas I THINK this is the style, in a gray w/ olive velcro combo
-SNL Trivial Pursuit (which is WAY harder than I thought!!)
-Some Coach I guiltily returned and now have a large credit towards a fun spring bag (and I do love those DOTS!!)
-New Spys
-Yummy warm chenille, striped and argyle Hanukkah Harry's
-Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris, The Lucky Guide to Shopping and Kate Spade's Manners books, all from very special people,
-And this may be the best as I scored this yesterday to go with it to add to my NYE ensemble (at least I think anyway...current plans are NOT so fancy dancy so I may be slightly overdressed, I hate that)
-One of these to add to my collection

To tell you the truth there weren't too many. I did JUST enough hard time at home to make it not too short and not too long. I saw everyone I was supposed to, no one dropped the F bomb on Xmas eve (a usual tradition) and no major household appliance (i.e. the boiler!) exploded. Major Kudos to all. Oh yeah, and the fact that I think I snarfed my body weight in FOOD, ugh Jan '05 gym time: HERE I COME!

And now I am back to work, ick! This is a very surreal week. It is like a ghost town, I can get an elevator with the snap of my fingers and the caf is empty. The mall, however, is a different story. MOBS of out of towners tourist-ing it up, yahoo! Trying my best NOT to online shop and rather actually get some semblance of work accomplished, fat chance as I sit here blogging my little fingers out. C'est la vie!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Because I Like Bullets

(via Defamer)

  • Brilliant and v funny holiday card Benderspink (1st item)

  • And memo to LiLo: we know you're heartbroken over poor Fez (although why is another story) but for the love of God, please eat a sandwich! (4th item)

Monday, December 20, 2004

Ironic on SO many levels

Driving to work this AM there was a 1990 Escort* in front of me with a huge sticker on the back window that said "Bad ass girls drive bad ass cars"...are you effing kidding me?

*OK, I DO drive a Ford too, but I do NOT advertise!

Friday, December 17, 2004


Who couldn't use one of these to battle the holidaze? Plus they are tres cute!

Friday, December 03, 2004


This is smart... (via ALOTTFMA) and the reason why advertising was NOT the career path for moi!

UGH what a Friday. I don't recomend 5 glasses of wine on an empty stomach to ease your day, trust me. I am getting old because I should NOT still be hungover. And of course on a day when I have to schlep around all day and night.

LIVE on ofoto

The former Mrs. Thighmaster spent some time with her bridge & tunnel crowd over Turkey Weekend... (via THE Internet Quasi Celebrity)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I'm just on a role today

I got a 10 out of savvy are you? (viaGrambo via Lindsayism)

I am off to watch the Nick & Jessica Shitshow, I mean, Holiday Special Full of Love and Joy (with a large side of fromage)

Love is all around

And some love from Uncle Grambo, I'M NOT WORTHY!

Tres Cool

I have (a) fan(s)!

Thanks for the love
Anne, I am sure you are the ONLY other one reading than the divine Ms. S.

Trendsetting. . . (via ALOTTFMA)

I am a little obsessed with this
TRAINWRECK of a show...

So I have been thinking A LOT about tunes lately and I think I am going to list what I am listening to everytime I post. Right now it's a LAME ad for Project Runway on 'BOS.

I forget where I was reading this a few weeks back, but I though keeping a list of sounds pertinent to my life would be cool and then kinda forgot about it....til I found a blog today called what I THOUGHT was the CD project, except I didn't save the link and now can't find it:(

ANYWAY, I started this list....

Songs I HEART:
Life in a Nutshell-Barenaked Ladies
Only the Good Die Young-Billy Joel

This Years Love-David Grey
Christians and the Pagans-Dar Williams
Carolina on my Mind-James Taylor
Build me up Buttercup-The Foundations

Sweet Caroline-Neil Diamond

September-Earth Wind & Fire
Margaritaville-Jimmy Buffett
The Gambler-Kenny Rogers
Coast of Carolina-Jimmy Buffett
Gone Again-Indigo Girls
St. Patrick's Day-John Mayer
Break Your Heart-Barenaked Ladies
Rock Your Body-Justin Timberlake
High and Dry-Radiohead
Ice Cream-Sarah McLauchlan
